Green Earth Revolution for a better future | Milaap
Green Earth Revolution for a better future
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Shrikant Potdar
  • S

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from India

Here is how I am going to grow trees.

Ecological imbalance already has been a serious issue since last few decades and many of us plant trees as an awareness towards needs of Eco system, but very few of us able to grow them. So, using this campaign, I am going to plant trees and grow them using advanced techniques such as, deep root irrigation, automatic nutrients feeding etc. Using these techniques we can grow trees even in very rigid climatic conditions and at the places with severe water scarcity. The smart techniques I am going to use, keep the trees hydrated. So, we will be able to grow trees and keep them healthy even in challenging conditions in order to help to restore the ecological balance back to normal.

Location of project :

Suburb area in Maharashtra.
I have a plan to plant and grow trees different places all over in India.

What is a Care Kit ?

Care kit is a reservoir of water and with other compartments of nutrient fluids which feeds the crop water and nutrient fluids using a special nozzle with a controlled dripping rate.


1) A location will be chosen suitable to care kit required to grow the tree.
2) A care kit for tree will be prepared which includes water reservoir, nutrients.
3) A unique identity number and other information will be prepared related to tree and will be recorded in the system to keep the track on growing process of tree.
4) The volunteered care taker will be acknowledged with all the details about tree and instructions to maintain the care kit.
5) A daily routine check will be performed to ensure the state of the tree and it's care kit.
6) Care kit will be checked and will be tested it's working. The nutrient fluids will be refilled if the care kit is running out of nutrients.
7) A photograph of the crop will be taken every week as a record for growth history of the tree.
8) Once the tree become self sustainable, the care kit will be taken out.
10) The care taker of the tree will be rewarded with a certificate for growing up the tree and with a thank you gift.

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