Help My Daughter To Recover From Spinal Muscular Atrophy | Milaap
Help My Daughter To Recover From Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)
of Rs.16,00,00,000
3062 supporters
  • A

    Created by

    Akash Mishra
  • Do

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Daughter of Akash Mishra

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

I am Akash, raising funds for my 13 months old daughter Shivanshi Mishra. My daughter Shivanshi has been diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 2 at an age of 13 months. It’s a rare genetic disease.

Shivanshi Mishra is suffering from symptoms like difficulty in holding her neck, labored breathing, difficulty in swallowing, and inability to move her legs like any other normal infant of the same age. Currently, she is on feeding through a percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube and assisted with tracheostomy tube and a Bipap machine for breathing. If not treated, the life span of infants with SMA Type 2 varies up to 1 or 2 years depending on the progression. Day by day Shivanshi's condition is worsening due to reduced muscle activity.

Treatment Options:
Zolgensma Gene Therapy is a potential cure for SMA for children below two years of age and it has to be imported from the USA. Baby Shivanshi Mishra needs Zolgensma gene therapy as soon as possible to save her life. Zolgensma comes at an extortionate price of INR 16 crores (USD $2.125 million) approximately excluding taxes and duties. The price of medicine is beyond my reach. 

Unfortunately, the cost of these life-changing treatments is exorbitant and beyond the means of our family alone. In addition to the medical expenses, there are ongoing costs associated with physical therapy, specialized equipment, and adaptive devices that are essential for her daily activities. We are determined to provide her with every possible opportunity to thrive, but we need your support to make it happen.

Funds raised will be utilized for making payments to pharmaceutical companies or their authorized subsidiaries and hospital for purchasing the medicine including pre and post-treatment care.

We have launched this crowdfunding campaign to rally our community and seek your support in securing the necessary funds for Shivanshi's treatment and care. By contributing to this campaign, you will not only be 
helping a little girl in need but also becoming a beacon of hope for her and others battling SMA. Together, we can make a real difference in her life and empower her to achieve her dreams.

Every donation, no matter the size, brings us one step closer to our goal. Your generosity will directly impact Shivanshi's life by:

Funding essential medical treatments and therapies that will enhance her mobility and overall health.

Enabling us to provide specialized equipment and adaptive devices that will make daily activities more accessible and enjoyable for Shivanshi

Covering ongoing medical expenses, including regular check-ups, consultations, and medications.

Supporting our efforts to raise awareness about SMA and advocate for better resources and treatments for individuals battling this condition.

Your compassion and support can make a world of difference for Shivanshi and her family. Let us come together as a community, wrap our arms around this little girl, and give her the love and care she deserves. With your help, we can empower her to overcome the challenges posed by SMA and ensure that her journey is filled with hope, joy, and endless possibilities.

Crowdfunding for similar medical causes was successful in India in recent instances for such a huge amount. On this note, we seek your strong heartfelt support in fundraising to save our Shivanshi's life.  

With folded hands urging you to donate whatever you can with your kind heart to save Baby Shivanshi's life. Please follow and share Shivanshi's story on social media handles.

Spread the word:
Recently, we have been observing more and more SMA cases are visible due to developments in life-saving therapies and medicines. Spreading the word on diagnoses and about the disease could save a few more lives.

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