My husband, Sanjay Kumar Singh, met an accident on 29/06/2022 evening while returning from office at Maitypara, Dankuni, Delhi Road. He was driving a scooty and all of a sudden a Cathaleen prinked van hit from the back and the accident occurred. Major injuries occurred, such as ribcage fracture (7 nos), lungs, urinary bladder, femur bone fracture and shoulder fracture. He is the only earning member of our family of three, and our economic condition is not good. He is employed by a company as a senior supervisor and receives a salary of only Rs 28,500. He is currently admitted in Private Hospital, Kolkata. Current bill (as on 7th July'22) is 6,37,000 (Six lakhs thirty-seven thousand) only of which Mediclaim adjustment is 416500/-. According to doctors, the course of treatment will last three weeks and balance fund required around Rs. 13 lakh.
If you can set up some financial assistance for me, I will be eternally grateful.
Mridula Singh (Jain)
D/o Biredendra Kumar Jain
W/o Sanjay Kumar Singh
If you can set up some financial assistance for me, I will be eternally grateful.
Mridula Singh (Jain)
D/o Biredendra Kumar Jain
W/o Sanjay Kumar Singh