Enable Parents Improve Public Education in Haryana | Milaap
Enable Parents Improve Public Education in Haryana
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    from New Delhi, Delhi

Nitu didi's children study in a government school in Haryana. She is a member of a parent-teacher body called the 'School Management Committee' or SMC. In the month of April this year, she met a mother who wanted to get her 3 children enrolled in the government school. This mother had heard about Nitu Ji helping out other children facing school related issues, and came and spoke to her. She told her, with tears welling up in her eyes, that the teachers said that her three children can't get admitted to the school and didn't understand the reason for it. Nitu Ji took the family to school, asking for details about why the children are being denied admission. After the teachers explained, it was understood that 2 of these children will be admitted if they bring 'School Leaving Certificate' from their previous schools. The third child, who was to be enrolled in the primary wing, will not be taken in because of the lack of teachers in school. Nitu Ji, on hearing this, first explained to the mother about the documents they were supposed to arrange. Next, she spoke to the teachers about arranging a meeting with the principal and writing an application for filling up the teacher vacancy. She got the children enrolled too. This is just one of the many stories we have witnessed in the government schools of Haryana in last 3 years.

Today we see parents like Nitu Ji, ensuring that all children get their right to be enrolled in any public school, like Pooja Ji, working tirelessly to ensure that ration reaches children & their families during COVID lockdown and parents like Babban Ji, ensuring that he speaks to children to identify issues before each meeting, show us what is possible. They are a testament to the potential of increased parent participation in education and we, at Samarthya want to continue our journey of enabling their participation across government schools in Haryana.

Samarthya was founded in Delhi in 2017 with a vision of a world where people have the power to speak up and take decisions impacting their future.

In government schools in our country, parents have little to no engagement with teachers and are often blamed for being unsupportive, as someone who needs to be 'educated' rather than an equal contributor in school’s development. We at Samarthya believe that parents deserve a seat at that table where decisions related to their child's education are made. Their voices need to be heard and deliberated upon. We do this by enabling parents to participate in school meetings ensuring that children get their rightful quality education. We work in Haryana, Punjab, and Delhi. Our operations involve empowering parents to understand their role in the school, upskilling them to perform those and building structures and processes in the state to support them.
By making a donation to Samarthya you will directly support us in continuing our work impacting the lives of 8200 children studying in 12 government schools and also enable us to reach more government schools in Haryana.
*Only Indian citizens can donate to this cause. 

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