Hi there,
I'm Rishi- I am a social entrepreneur from Chennai, India. I'm using this platform to raise funds for an executive MBA from STOA School- which I believe will accelerate my dream of enabling a million lives with my startup Symbionic Tech.
Here's my story: after finishing college, I joined an early-stage non-profit in Chennai - where I spent a few years working to improve the quality of education for children. I had helped launch and scale projects and built a volunteer network that enabled many others to contribute towards the mission.
On an unfortunate day, I met with an accident that led to the amputation of my right arm. Unable to find a decent solution, I started on my journey to build Symbionic. At Symbionic, we are in the business of building affordable and high tech bionics, to enable people with missing limbs. (https://thesymbionic.com)
I bootstrapped Symbionic in 2019 and have been working to make a large scale impact.
I'm Rishi- I am a social entrepreneur from Chennai, India. I'm using this platform to raise funds for an executive MBA from STOA School- which I believe will accelerate my dream of enabling a million lives with my startup Symbionic Tech.
Here's my story: after finishing college, I joined an early-stage non-profit in Chennai - where I spent a few years working to improve the quality of education for children. I had helped launch and scale projects and built a volunteer network that enabled many others to contribute towards the mission.

As Symbionic is moving to the next phase - i have come to an understanding that there are certain problems that needs to be tackled with more knowledge. I was searching for a way to quickly upskill myself while i continued to build Symbionic. Incidentally I stumbled upon STOA MBA, a 6 month online program tailored for working professionals/founders.
After vetting the course intensively, I feel that this 6 month program would equip me with the tools to be a now efficient leader, while not letting the ball drop in Symbionic.
I also found out that, there's an internal recruitment system in STOA where you can hire good talents from the alumni pool. Which i plan to leverage as well.
I applied for it and cleared with a 30% scholarship. I still have -1.45lakh fee that i need to pay.
I understand that the 6 month will be intense with the course and running Symbionic, but I'm confident to endure it as i always do.

As we are in the early stage, and being strapped for cash (like most early-stage startups are) I decided to crowdfund my MBA tuition.
I'm trying to raise the remaining - 1.45 lakhs through this crowdfunding platform.
Here is a link you can check out to know about my story and decide if you'd like to be a part of it-
Let's build a future worth looking forward to.
Rishi Krishna