Mr.Purushothaman, Husband of my Relative Jayalakshmi, is residing in T.Nagar and working as AC Mechanic. They have a 16 year old Daughter and she is pursuing her 12th standard.
Mr.Purushothaman has been diagnosed for Stage-3 Non hodgkin's Lymphoma (Cancer in Lymphatic system which affects various organs of the body) on January 2020. He is being treated in VS Hospital, Chennai with 6 cycles of Chemotherapy and 7th cycle is going on. Doctors have assured that the cancer is completely curable with 5 more cycles of Chemotherapy.
Since Mr.Purushothaman is the only bread winner of the family and he was unable to earn since January, the family members are struggling to arrange money for treatment. They had pledged all their savings and managed to pay for 6 cycles. Now, a minimum of Rs.600000 is immediately required to complete the remaining 6 cycles of Chemotherapy, in order to save his life.
Pls find the Medical Documents in the below link
Purushothaman Medical Docs
Therefore, I request you to kindly Contribute for the cause and support Mr.Purushothaman to recover from Cancer
Mr.Purushothaman has been diagnosed for Stage-3 Non hodgkin's Lymphoma (Cancer in Lymphatic system which affects various organs of the body) on January 2020. He is being treated in VS Hospital, Chennai with 6 cycles of Chemotherapy and 7th cycle is going on. Doctors have assured that the cancer is completely curable with 5 more cycles of Chemotherapy.
Since Mr.Purushothaman is the only bread winner of the family and he was unable to earn since January, the family members are struggling to arrange money for treatment. They had pledged all their savings and managed to pay for 6 cycles. Now, a minimum of Rs.600000 is immediately required to complete the remaining 6 cycles of Chemotherapy, in order to save his life.
Pls find the Medical Documents in the below link
Purushothaman Medical Docs
Therefore, I request you to kindly Contribute for the cause and support Mr.Purushothaman to recover from Cancer