Setting up a Society - Youth for Sustainability | Milaap
Setting up a Society - Youth for Sustainability
  • Punya

    Created by

  • P

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Bhubaneswar, Odisha

This year started with me leaving a job that paid me 50 thousand a month to dedicate towards Sustainable Living Goals. I proposed a project called Youth for Sustainability that aims at setting up responsible Businesses in India and primarily involve the youth in schools and colleges to do more than just awareness and media stunts.

Since its inception, in a span of 40 odd days we have done this and engaged with these many people -

  1. Clean My City - 20
  2. Session on Climate Emergency - 80
  3. Session on creative climate solutions - 250
  4. Session on Disruptive Innovation for Responsible Consumption - 50
  5. Session on Social Business - 40
  6. Clean Stadium Drive - 10
  7. Busking Event on climate change - 30
  8. Street Play on Climate Change - 50
  9. Survey of restaurants - 20
Total Engagement - 550
Total number of members part of the college clubs - 50
Total number of clubs - 6

Plan of action for the next 6 months -
  1. Register as a not for profit and set the website
  2. Standardize yearly events for each state
  3. Reach out to 100 schools to organise literary events to promote United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by following the methods of our primitive culture 
  4. Organise a TED Talk for Odisha to invite speakers from Social Business Sector only
  5. Set up a climate action committee to visit 100 street food vendors and instigate them to sustainable methods of production
  6. Collaborate with businesses to set up a board of responsible business in India
We are in need of funds for registering this and for scaling this up to the length and breadth of the country. Following are the projected needs with costs -
1) Registering as a not for profit (section 8 company) in India - 30,000 INR
2) Website making and hosting - 10, 000 INR
3) Allocating a budget of 5000 INR per college per semester for 6 colleges in Bhuaneswar for a period of one year - a sum total of 60,000 INR
4) State wide Literary event starting from April, 2020 to cover 100 schools in Odisha for students from class 6-10th grade. Essay, Debate and Art competition based on themes related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Costs - Logistics and transportation - 30,000 INR, Prizes worth 40,000 INR plant saplings (200+ trees) and cost of panel judges - 30,000 INR. A sum total of 1 lakh INR for 100 schools
5) A campaign to audit carbon footprint of 100 restaurants/food vendors in Bhubaneswar and collaboratively ask them to change into eco-friendly methods. The cost of transport and outreach - 30,000 INR
6) A National event - TEDxBhuabaneswar to invite impactful founders of Social Businesses from India. Estimated cost for transport of speakers, logistics and venue - 2 lakhs INR
7) A standing budget of 70,000 INR for meeting other miscellaneous expenses for a period of one year

I request you to share my story and spread the word. I am running a fundraiser on Milaap -

I shall look forward to your response and support.

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