Praful's online fundraiser for Medical | Milaap
This 29 years old needs your urgent support in fighting Chronic Kidney Disease / CKD
of Rs.30,00,000
2485 supporters
  • PP

    Created by

    Praful Pralhad Besurkar
  • PP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Priyanka Praful Besurkar

    from Yavatmal, Maharashtra

 I am Praful Pralhad Besurkar, I have my little tea stall. My wife Priyanka Praful Besurkar suffering from Chronic Kidney disease since 2 years. I have one daughter of 5 years. I have manged her treatment expenses so far but now I am in situation of financial emergency due to which my wife gets stress even she is thinking of commiting suicide. My financial condition doesn't enough to cure this disease as it needs 25,000/-rs monthly due to her dialysis, medicines and other expenses.
          At present she is admitted in Saraswati Kidney Care Center, Nagpur. According to doctor she gets so much stressed due to which her legs and hands movements are stopped. In present situation i can't bear that much hospital expense so I need your support to regain her healthy life back on track.
          I request you to support my wife as she needs a hope for her healthy life.

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