Help a Poor Family who Lost their Bread-winner to Cancer | Milaap
Help a Poor Family who Lost their Bread-winner to Cancer
  • GF

    Created by

    Ganesan Family
  • V

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from India

Who is this Fundraiser For?
This fundraiser is for the family of Vijaya, a poor flower-seller who lost her only brother, Irusan who is also her son-in-law to cancer.

Sometimes, life is simply not fair to everyone. That definitely holds true for this poor family who is on the verge of starvation due to their unfortunate circumstances over the last year. Irusan, a man in his mid-40s who was their sole bread-winner unexpectedly died of cancer, leaving behind his beautiful wife, young children and aging sister. With neither the wife not the sister having any formal education, this family is grappling to make ends meet, while also trying to pay off their huge debt owed to loan-sharks.

Can you help bring back a smile on their faces?
Yes! We need the family to have HOPE. Every young child should grow up to LOVE their lives, because every ONE deserves to!

Use of Funds Raised:
50% of the funds raised will go directly to help Vijaya repay the loans she had taken for her brother's cancer treatment. The other half of the funds will go toward the education, including school supplies and clothing for the two young children.

Background about the Family:
Vijaya is a 60 year old flower-seller in Bengaluru, India. She is originally from Thiruvannamalai District of Tamil Nadu.  She was married at the young age of 15 to a chronic alcoholic, who has never been supportive to her and often times, grabbed money and valuables from her. Despite life being unfair to her, she has held a high spirit and worked as a domestic maid at several houses during her prime years to help raise her daughter, Chamundeswari. She got her daughter married at the young age of 18 to a her own brother Irusan, who was in his mid-30s (Vijaya's brother, and uncle for the daughter). Despite the huge age difference between the bride and the groom, Vijaya was happy that her daughter was in the hands of someone she knew who would take good care of her daughter. Irusan was working as a security clerk at a local food store. Within a few years, their family grew and they had two beautiful children Sainath and Sanju.

Unfortunately, the happiness didn't last long and Irusan was diagnosed with blood cancer in 2018. Vijaya and her daughter were devastated. They took huge amounts of loans at heavy interest rates with the hopes of saving Irusan. However, no amount of hospitalization and care could help save Irusan and he passed away after 6 months of painful treatment.

Now, Vijaya, who is unable to go back to domestic labor due to her age has started selling flowers with the huge responsibility of taking care of her daughter and grand-children, all while trying to recover from the loss of her brother (and son-in-law). The young widowed daughter is in a state of shock by the loss of her husband, and is mentally not stable to care for her young children, let alone take up a job.

As you may know, selling flowers is a seasonal business, requires money up front at the beginning of the day, and any unsold flowers have to be discarded by the end of the day. This means often times, Vijaya and her dependents have to go hungry since they have not been able to sell all the flowers they purchased.

I have known Vijaya personally since I was a teenager as she used to work as a maid at my parent's place in Sanjaynagar, Bengaluru. She has always astounded me with her hard-working nature, honesty, and positivity.

Please consider donating to this poor hardworking family. No amount is too small. Even $10 or 500 rupees from many people will make a huge difference in Vijaya's family. Thank you for your kindness!

We need this family to have HOPE and the young children grow up to LOVE their lives, because every ONE deserves it!

Thank you so much for your kindness!

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