Life seemed to be getting better
Sometimes Life hits you hardest when you think things are going right. My father, daily wage labor spent his life earnings for my education and never spent any money on himself nor could he ever save anything for an emergency. Life seemed to be getting back on track after I graduated from IRMA in 2021 and started to support my family financially.
The unfortunate accident
Destiny had its cruel plans as my father Shri. Ponugoti Venkateswarlu and I met with a road accident on 13th July 2021. My father was severely injured in the head and remained unconscious. On reaching the nearest hospital, doctors diagnosed him as suffering from Traumatic Brain Injury - Diffuse Axonal Injury (Grade-3) and Aspirational Pneumonia in the lungs. His Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) was a low 3/15. He was put on Ventilator support immediately and later, a tracheostomy was done on 19th July.
Due to the low GCS score (3/15) and prolonged ventilation, his lungs are now affected with Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia. I shifted him from the hospital in Ongole to CMC Vellore on 18 August 2021 for rehabilitation and specialist care. His condition is fluctuating and due to new infections in blood and fever spikes, he was again shifted to a ventilator in ICU. The kidney condition became bad with high creatinine levels and BP, his pulse is out of control due to sympathetic hyperactivity. A large blood clot was formed in the veins of the left leg causing Deep vein Thrombosis with a risk of Pulmonary Embolism (clot moving to lungs).
Our family and friends have managed to put all possible finances for his treatment. The treatment cost in the last 56 days cost us approximately Rs.15.24 lakh. However, doctors have suggested that getting the brain response will need long treatment along with continuous ventilation support. Surgery will be required if the clot is not dissolved with medications and dialysis will be needed if the kidney condition worsens.
I have just started working this year and also have an education loan to be paid off. I have no source of funds to take care of hospitalization expenses for my father’s treatment which is approximate Rs.50 lakh as per the estimate by CMC Hospital or more depending on the rehabilitation progress.
Request for Support
I am completely dependent on your support for hospitalization expenses. My father has always stood strong even when we faced financial struggles as a family. I know he will fight again this time but I am dependent on all of you to help us continue a strong and sustained fight. Request you to kindly help me in this ordeal to save my father.
Please keep us in your prayers.
I have also uploaded the various bills and some photos of my father.
You all can save my father’s life and bring my father alive again. Please support for saving my father’s life. I will keep you updated about his progress.
Yours Respectfully,
Ponugoti Venkata Bhaskar.
Mobile: +91 80745 10620
My humble appeal
My father at CMC video