COVID 19 Relief Fund - Ration Kits, Food and Medical Aid | Milaap
COVID 19 Relief Fund - Ration Kits, Food and Medical Aid
  • PardadaPardadiEducationalSociety

    Created by

  • PP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Pardada Pardadi Educational Society

    from New Delhi, Delhi

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Pardada Pardadi Educational Society

Pardada Pardadi Educational Society (PPES) is working to support the rural community of Anupshahr during the pandemic. 

For over 20 years Renuka Gupta, CEO of PPES has been working in Anupshahr, Uttar Pradesh.

We work towards rural development through social and economic empowerment of rural girls and women. PPES is working on four verticals namely: education, economic empowerment under the name of Ivillage, health, and community development. Website:

While the world is going through a huge crisis due to COVID- 19, we at PPES are positive that together we will cruise through this to see a new dawn.
Here’s an update of what we are doing to help the community on ground:

On April 8TH 2020 U.P. government requested the help of PPES to set up a quarantine center to house 250 individuals. In response, we have opened our campus to house them. Local police, administration, and government medical team are on site. The buildings will be disinfected after all occupants leave.

We have established a hotline service, which is a toll-free number available for consultation on issues related to problems arising due to the lockdown. Food requirements, medical attention, domestic violence, income-generating opportunities, and relief assistance. Ten college graduates of PPES are managing this hotline service.

  • We have delivered food and hygiene kits and dry rations to 8000 plus families in 126 villages, who are most severely impacted by the lockdown and have lost their livelihoods.
  • We are working with our self-help group women during the current phase by making face masks at Village. This is generating employment for 200 women
  • We are providing regular SMS service, disseminating up-to-date and relevant information. This has become a very important tool for awareness of COVID- 19.
  • We continue our Telemedical consultations as needed

We request you to please help us support them in this fight against Covid19 and in this fight against hunger and poverty.

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