Help Barkha To Save Paralyzed. Blind , Sick, Injured Animals | Milaap
Help Barkha To Save Paralyzed. Blind , Sick, Injured Animals
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Need Rs.10,00,000
  • Guardian

    Created by

    Guardian Of Angels Trust
  • PB

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Paralyzed Blind Sick Injured Animals

    from Bahadurgarh, Haryana

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by GUARDIAN OF ANGELS TRUST

About Fundraiser
Barkha  & his husband Hari Kishan Mangle has dedicated her life for the stray animals, They has been taken care of animals for the last 18 years, Feeding them and looking after these Injured and Helpless Stray Animals. And lives his life for single purpose: “To Help Them Selflessly”.

“We will care for them till my last breath, even if we have nothing in my pockets. They’re like my children”.

Barkha & Hari Kishan Mangle Founder of Guardian of Angels Trust.
Barkha Journey Of Animal Welfare
Before 2019 they rescue Injured and sick stray Dogs from the city and treat them in their home with the help of private vets.
Soon word spread far and wide and more and more people came to them asking for help. They got 2-3 rescue calls of injured and sick dogs on daily basis.
Sometimes they are unable to attend all the calls and these stray animals are died in miserable condition. So in 2019 they decided to built a shelter where all types of animals are treated with Love & Compassion and no voiceless angel are died on road without help.
Guardian Of Angels Trust has opened in 2019 & since then have Rescued, Treated &Vaccinated more than 12000 animals and Housing 300 Stray Dogs and Cows who can’t survive on road, and made a huge impact on the life of these voiceless souls. Apart from these they have been working day and night to feed the stray animals of Bahadurgarh, Haryana. Even during complete Lockdown Period they feed 300 stray cows and 1500 Dogs in there city and nearby areas.
Barkha Has Quit Her Job For Helping These Voiceless Souls.
Barkha and Hari Kishan Mangle has been spending all his savings to Feed the strays, and Feeding and Treatment of their shelter animals. They are under huge debts but they don’t want to stop caring of these voiceless souls.

“At current we have 198 Dogs, 60 Cows, 18 Calves, 5 Bulls, 4 Cats, 9Monkeys ,12 Pigeons and the rescue work is ongoing. Every day, we save at least 10-15 Animals & Birds. The need for Ambulance, Cow Food, Dog Food and Medicines is always there. But it is getting harder for us to continue without your help”
How You Can Help 
A completely free of cost Organization, Guardian of Angels has not received any monetary help from Govt. and totally depends on your generous donations. As the time gone, number of rescues has increasing rapidly and they can’t receive sufficient funds to save these voiceless souls. An old tempo is used as ambulance which is out of order now, Still they rescued small animals on Motor Bike.
Appeal To Kind Persons
Barkha and his NGO are doing a commendable  job  in Bahadurgarh, Haryana to help the sick, injured,  abandoned Dogs and Animals. But now they need your support to feed and treat the injured animals and help them to recover.

Guardian of Angels Trust has done a wonderful job so far, but they desperately needs your help and support to continue this humanitarian work. Please come forward and donate generously to to his campaign. Your contribution can save the life of hundreds of animals and makes a difference.
Please Donate Generously.
Social Media Links:-
Please go through our media links once, it will help you have a better understanding about our selfless work towards these voiceless angels and our desperate need of donations to continue these humanitarian work to help animals in distress.
Facebook Page:-
Website :-
Contact:- 8708276363,9992999646
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