Be a Hero! Gift an Upcycled Denim School Kit to Children. | Milaap
Be a Hero! Gift an Upcycled Denim School Kit to Children.
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    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Jodhpur, Rajasthan

There may be a thousand things poverty has made people suffer from, but there is always a bag full of solutions that are worth millions of cherishments. We often wait for ponds to fill before valuing the drops of water it may need. So here we are, with our noble and breathtaking Initiative ‘SOLECRAFT’, where we up-cycle and reuse discarded pieces of denim to reproduce eco-friendly school kits and comfortable footwear for our national family in need. Our target is to Deliver the 1000 School kit to 1000 Children.

 Solecraft's teams collect discarded pieces of denim, enlightening them with a new life for the sake of connecting to some beautiful souls making them happy. We all know, no matter how far technology has led us to, how progressed few of us would have held to; but there are still a lot of children who even lack the privilege to wear protection for their feet while they walk around from home to school and back, working and studying hard, barefoot. There are children who somehow manage to convince the power of education leading to study, but they sacrifice the need of the books, that is to have a shelter too.

How can you Contribute 

1. A sum of 399 rupees from you could enable us to provide one entire school kit consisting of a bag, a case and one pair of footwear to one lucky kid who will be happy to receive this amazing gift.

If you would like to buy the school kit and gift it in your city, please write to

The Fund Will be used in the following ways

1. To Run, Denim Collection drives across multiple locations in City.
2. Design and manufacture of Bags, boxes, and footwear. 
3. To Run the Denim Donation Drive across multiple schools.
4. The Cost will also include transporting the kits to multiple locations.

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