Help My Premature Baby Recover | Milaap
Help My Premature Baby Recover
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Mandadapu Ratnakumar

    from Hyderabad

We are blessed with a baby boy on 3rd January, 2019 at just 18 days old. His weight was just 946 grams (Very Low Birth Weight). He is being kept in an incubator (with support of ventilator sometimes) since birth. In view of premature and respiratory distress baby was shifted to NICU for further management. Baby was euthermic and maintaining saturation on CPAP. As premature babies are not covered by most insurances in India, we are in desperate need of financial support to help and keep him there. We have already spend more than 3+ lakhs till date by utilizing all our till date savings and loans. Now we are facing hard situation to find a way to get money to continue the treatment for baby. He has already survived the very critical first week by overcoming infections and Intestinal obstruction surgery, we are remaining very positive that he will make it. We are doing everything we can to collect money to continue his treatment, including bank loans and donations from anyone who can help...

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