Help Santok Dhanji Walodra Fight Against Cancer | Milaap
Help Santok Dhanji Walodra Fight Against Cancer
  • M

    Created by

  • co

    This fundraiser will benefit

    child of NA

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

This post needs serious attention:
Hi Friends and Family. It's been 2 years since I started this campaign to support Mrs Santok Dhanji Walondra (santo amma a road side vendor) to help her fight against cancer. I met her 2 years ago, while she was begging for money with the hospital file in her hand. She didn't even have the bus or rickshaw fare to go to the hospital. Her condition was not very good and I decided to provide her the help. The cost of treatment at private hospitals was quite expensive (15 lakhs as per present situation) so we tried the best to get it done from the government hospitals like Tata, KEM, Cooper etc. The shocking truth i realized about the government hospitals in India is that they are very unorganized, unprofessional, time consuming and for small small tests and procedures a patient has to wait in long queues for hours and even after that they don't admit but just make them go round and round. Bad news is that during the lockdown, Santo Amma could not take care of herself well by visiting the hospitals ( since they were mostly covid zones etc), her cancer has bursted and ina very critical condition now. It's been 14 days I've got her admitted to the hospital and we need financial support to keep her treatment going. I request you to come forward and support her whichever way possible. Please share the post with your buddies or on your timeline so that the ones who believe in charity may do the needful. Kindly pray for her well being.
Follow the link to donate 🙏🏻
Please Note: The account receivables for this campaign is Santok Amma herself so every donation is going to her personal account verified by MILAAP.ORG.
Lokesh kori
#help #donate #support #lokilifestyle🌟

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