Help My Husband Sanjay Recover From Blood Infection | Milaap
Help My Husband Sanjay Recover From Blood Infection
  • A

    Created by

    Indira priyadarshini
  • SK

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Sanjay Kumar

    from Hyderabad, Telangana

I am Indira Priyadarshini Enkollu, writing to you today with a heavy heart and an urgent request for financial assistance. My husband, Enkollu Sanjay Kumar, is currently facing a critical and unexpected medical emergency that has profoundly impacted our lives. During these challenging times, I am reaching out to our extended community to seek help in providing the essential care and treatment he urgently requires.

Sanjay has been admitted to the hospital due to multiple organ failure, which has resulted in a severe blood infection. This condition has led to extremely abnormal levels of S Creatinine and Troponin I. I have attached all his medical reports for your reference. Sanjay is currently receiving high-level treatment, including ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), which incurs a daily cost of approximately 70,000 INR. The doctors have advised us to continue this treatment until his medical condition improves, and his vital signs return to normal.

The financial burden associated with this medical crisis is overwhelming, and we are unable to shoulder it on our own. The expenses for medical treatments, hospital bills, and ongoing healthcare are mounting daily, leaving us in desperate need of your support. To address this, we have initiated a crowdfunding campaign to gather funds for Sanjay's emergency health condition. Your contributions can make a significant difference by ensuring that he receives the best possible care, treatment, and a chance at recovery.

We understand that not everyone may be in a position to donate, but your assistance in sharing this appeal within your network would be of immense help. By spreading the word about our cause, you can significantly enhance our chances of reaching our fundraising goal.

We are profoundly grateful for your compassion and consideration during this difficult period. Your kindness and generosity will not only relieve the financial burden but also provide us with the emotional strength we need to face this tough time.

With heartfelt gratitude,
Indira Priyadarshini Enkollu

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