Help Gandharv Fight Cirrhosis Of Liver And Tuberculosis | Milaap
Help Gandharv Fight Cirrhosis Of Liver And Tuberculosis
  • SD

    Created by

    Sarthak Datta
  • G

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from West Delhi, Delhi

Gandharv is suffering from acute cirrhosis of liver. This is a condition where the liver is not able to function at all. This means that gandharv is not able to digest food or water. All that he eats gets accumulated in his abdomen causing swelling and water retention. This water reaches his lungs every few days and he has difficulty breathing. Doctors have to drain this water through cutting open his abdomen. This has led to him also suffering from tuberculosis of the intestine. His liver will take a long time to recover. This procedure can be done only by specialists which requires a large payment every time it is done. Gandharv lost his parents at a very young age. To cover his medical costs, his relatives have been doing all they can. Having paid 6 lacs already, the doctors are asking for another 2 lacs before his next operation. Since the water is filling up again in his lungs, this procedure needs to be done soon. Help save gandharv's life by donating any amount you can. Little do we realize, how important it is to help your fellow humans until someone close to us is affected and we do not have the means to save their lives.

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