Support E. Mohanraj Recover From Accidental Head Injuries | Milaap
Support E. Mohanraj Recover From Accidental Head Injuries
of Rs.20,00,000
304 supporters
  • NV

    Created by

    Nagarajan V
  • EM

    This fundraiser will benefit

    E. Mohanraj

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Hi friends and neighbors kindly help my friend E. Mohanraj met with a severe road accident and is suffering from severe multiple head injuries. He needs to recover from the accident. We prayed to God to give my friend back to us. He is a very helpful person and he is a good man. Oh my god please recover my friend….. please help friend…

In the next few days, we need Rs.20,00,000 more for Further treatment. Please come forward to support my cause. Any contribution will be of immense help. Do contribute and share this crowdfunding fundraiser link with your friends and family.

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