Support Debangsu Mishra Recover Head Injury. | Milaap
Support Debangsu Mishra Recover Head Injury.
  • KT

    Created by

    Kishaloy Tewary
  • DM

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Bankura, West Bengal

I hope this message finds you well.

Debangshu, a 19-year-old young man who suffered a traumatic brain injury on October 21, 2023, is currently unconscious. He is the only child of his financially disadvantaged parents who have already exhausted their resources, including selling assets and depleting their bank accounts, to gather Rs 4 lakhs for his treatment. The financial burden of Debangshu's medical care has become overwhelming for this humble family. We urgently seek your support to raise the funds needed to continue his treatment and offer him a chance at survival.
Your contribution, regardless of the amount, can be a lifeline for Debangshu and his family. Please consider making a donation to support Debangshu on his journey to recovery. Your kindness and generosity can make an immeasurable difference.
The funds will be utilized to treat severe injuries such as grade 3 diffuse axonal injury with cerebral edema, traumatic brain injury, fracture shaft of the femur, left zygomatic and maxilla fracture, mandible fracture, and fracture in the posterolateral wall of the maxillary sinus with hemorrhoids. The hospital has indicated that prolonged ventilation will be necessary for his recovery, and funds will be required in various phases of his treatment.

We need Rs.10,00,000 more for further treatment.

Please come forward to support my cause. Any contribution will be of immense help. Do contribute and share this crowdfunding fundraiser link with your friends and family.

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