help myself get back on my feet | Milaap
help myself get back on my feet
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Need Rs.25,00,000
  • Chandrashekhar

    Created by

    Chandrashekhar Siva
  • CS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Chandrashekhar Siva

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

I am Chandrashekhar Siva. Till 2019 I was having a good thriving business related to BPO and we earning good profit. From 2019 business went off and slowly my financially situation started getting affected. I tried for jobs as I have 20+ years of operations experience. Didn't get any interview calls. I tried many consultancy work as freelancer. No success. Now I am financially in a situation which is worst. I have no source of income and struggling to make ends meet and have 18 laks loan on head. So asking for help 18 lakhs to pay off my debts and rest 7 to again start my life and financially support my family.

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