Support Chandrama Gouda Recover From First Stage Cancer | Milaap
Support Chandrama Gouda Recover From First Stage Cancer
  • Life Cruise

    Created by

    Life Cruise
  • CG

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Chandrama Gouda

    from Ganjam, Odisha

Support Chandrama & Save her
My self Santosh gouda & I am fundraising for my wife Chandrama Gouda who is critically Ill. Ms. Chandrama Gouda is suffering in the initial stage of cancer. She is from Ganjam, Odisha.
In last month tumor was detected & an operation was held at Chaitanya Medical Center Vishakhapatnam. However, the doctor informed them that it is an early stage of cancer so, for further treatment, she is referred to a private Hospital, Vishakhapatnam.
We belongs to a very poor family and cannot bear the treatment cost of her further treatment. For treatment at Apollo Hospital, around 8 Lakhs amounts is needed in the treatment. As Chandrama is in BPL(Below Poverty Line) holder, she is unable to bear the cost.
In this panic moment, Your support is required for help Chandrama for fight/recover from the deadly diseases.

Request you all, please donate any amount to help Chandrama for save her life & ask your friends for help her

This campaign movement initiated by LifeCruise.
What is LifeCruise
A group of friends have formed a group as Lifecruise & decided to do work for our society to help the needy families apart from their job. For such reason, they have supported this campaign. Before this,they have made 7 campaigns( ) earlier & helped the needy persons.

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