Continuous heavy doses of medication in ICU, still no recovery, engulfed with infections, that's what Bharat Ghai is going through. I am Harpreet Kaur and through this platform I, with my folded hands, request all to help me raise funds for my husband Mr.Bharat Ghai who is just 40 years old, met with an accident without his fault as he parked the car in parking area and high speed zooming car hit him this hard that his left brain completely got fractured and he became unconscious. Since then, his 2 kids, 13 years old and 10 years old are waiting for their father, his 80 years old mother is waiting for her son to say her "Maa" once again. Mr.Bharat Ghai lives in Gurugram, Haryana with me and our 2 kids.
Mr.Bharat Ghai met with an accident last year in February, its been now 14 months. He is suffering from severe accidental head injury on left side of his brain. He have been in hospital for long, got discharged with advise to have complete ICU setup at home. He have undergone 4 brain surgeries so far in the span of 1 year. However, there is not much improvement in his condition.
He needs continuous support at home and he needs to get admitted to hospital for various tests. All this is very expensive and I have exhausted all my savings for life in his treatment, all our assets have already being sold. I am not left with any funds for taking care of his continuous expensive treatment. He is currently aadmitted in Fortis hospital as he got 4 seizures last week. He have been diagnosed with Pneumonia and blood infection. He is undergoing treatment in ICU care at Fortis Hospital, in Gurugram, Haryana.Mr.Bharat Ghai met with an accident last year in February, its been now 14 months. He is suffering from severe accidental head injury on left side of his brain. He have been in hospital for long, got discharged with advise to have complete ICU setup at home. He have undergone 4 brain surgeries so far in the span of 1 year. However, there is not much improvement in his condition.
Until now, I've spent more than Rs. 50,00,000. we've arranged this amount from savings, loans and help from loved ones.
In the next few days, I would need Rs.25,00,000.00 more for further ongoing treatment at hospital and also to continue with treatment at home.
Please come forward to support my cause.
Any contribution will be of immense help. Do contribute and share this crowdfunding fundraiser link with your friends and family.
Any contribution will be of immense help. Do contribute and share this crowdfunding fundraiser link with your friends and family.