This Baby Has A Rare Birth Defect That Is Killing Her From | Milaap
This Baby Has A Rare Birth Defect That Is Killing Her From Inside
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Baby Pranitha

    from Hyderabad, Telangana

"Our baby has a strange and unusual problem. Initially, our relatives would cringe when we told them, but we had to do whatever was necessary to save our baby."

Ram and his wife, Anjali were eagerly waiting for their baby to come to this world. They were excited to embark on the journey of parenthood and create sweet memories that they thought would last a lifetime. But things didn't work out as they had planned. Baby Pranathi was born with a rare anomaly, which causes her a lot of pain and suffering.

She was born with a rare birth defect 

Pranathi was born without an anus, and her rectum opens in her vagina. She has to pass stool from there and it is very uncomfortable and painful for a little girl her age. She needs a corrective surgery so her organs function properly and she doesn't contract any harmful infections.

"She is so light to hold, it scares us. She is tiny and short and very very weak. She can't eat well either. She is just a little heavier than a newborn and just as fragile, even after a year."

Due to her unusual condition, her digestive system doesn't function normally. She can't eat much and when she does she eats very little. For a 18-month-old baby, her weight is just a litte more than a newborn's. Because of all this, her growth has been impaired. She is tiny compared to other children her age, and her height is very less too. She is in a very fragile state and needs a surgery urgently in order to survive and live a healthy life

Ram and Anjali realized what was wrong with their little baby, as soon as she was born. When they took her to the doctor, they were told that only a corrective surgery could bring relief. But their financial state has always been dismal and has hindered her treatment since she was born. Now, her health has deteriorated so much, that they cannot delay her operation anymore.

Low income prevents them from getting their baby treated

"My wife doesn't work anymore because the baby needs her. My income alone can't even run the household smoothly, how will I bring the money needed for her operation?" 

Ram and Anjali both worked as seasonal daily-wage laborers.  But since they had Pranathi, Anjali has had to stay home and look after their ailing baby. This halved their already measly income. Sometimes they can barely afford two square meals a day, affording their baby girl's treatment is impossible.  

So far they have been paying the hospital and medicine costs by borrowing money from their friends and relatives. But these sources have also been exhausted and now Ram has no way of arranging the money required for the treatment of his baby girl.

How you can help

In order to get the corrective surgery done and save their daughter, Ram and Anjali need your help. Only your contribution can give her a second chance at life and bring back happiness into their lives.

Please help them save their little girl.  

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