Initiating Food & Groceries Distribution Programme to Daily | Milaap
Initiating Food & Groceries Distribution Programme to Daily Wagers
  • Amir

    Created by

    Amir Shaikh
  • NP

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Nanhi Pari Foundation

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Nanhi Pari Foundation

Food Distribution Program- A small initiative by NANHI PARI FOUNDATIONNanhi Pari is initiating food distribution program from 24th March to 15th April 2020, Time: 12:30 to 3:00. This is not only initiated for patients and their family members standing outside KEM , Sion & TATA Hospitals, for treatment but also poor and needy.While our team was distributing water, we noticed people are starving of hunger and only water is not the solution so, now Nanhi Pari has decided to provide by food and water both.
Our Target is 2000 containers daily till (Lock Down) 15th April 2020!
Azhar Khan-100 Containers and Manan -100 Containers & Sohail Sultan 100 Containers have sponsored for Daily but we need more to make this initiative work successfully.
If anyone of you would like to Join Us or want volunteer in this food distribution drive
You can contribute to this campaign
Distribution will be done outside Tata Hospital, Sion Hospital &KEM Hospital
Please forward this message to your friends and colleagues as well to make this drive successful.
A Small Initiative leads to a Big Change

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