SERUDS India Charity working since 2003 for the neglected old age persons with little donations given by individual philanthropists, nonprofit organizations. We accept donations online through Milaap by using credit card, debit card, paytm. Kindly donate online to provide nutritious lunch for 30 poor senior citizens. All Donations are tax exemption / deductible u/s 80G of Income tax act. We send 80G Tax Exemption Receipt, regular updates online for your Donations.
Thank you for Donating to our noble cause.

80G Tax Benefits on Donations:
All monetary donation made by an Indian national* to this NGO are eligible to receive exemption from Income Tax under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
All foreign nationals can also Donate to NGO but 80G tax exemption certificate will not be relevant in that case.
A certificate under Section 80G will be issued by the NGO to the Indian tax payer making the donation, to enable you to claim the exemption from Income Tax.
*(Indian national residing abroad can also donate, as long as the source of donation is an Indian bank account. 80G tax exemption certificate may not be relevant while filing tax returns outside India)