Donation for Groceries Items | Amount in Rs./P.M. | Amount in Rs./P.A. |
Food Groceries for one destitute old age person (Sona Masoori Rice, Taar Dhal, Species, Lentils, Tamarind, Bathing and Washing Soaps, Biscuits, Seasonal Fruits, Vegetables, Sugar, Coffee Powder, Upma Ravva, Wheat Flour, Hair Oil, Cooking Oil etc.) | 3300 | 39600 |
Donate Online for Food Groceries for 20 Old Age Persons (Rs.3300 x 20 =Rs.66000 x 12 M= Rs.792000) | 66000 | 792000 |

- While donating money online to charity through milaap you are eligible to claim tax exemption under section 80G of Income Tax Act, 1961.
- All Offline / Online Donations are Tax deductible u/s 80G.
- Seruds India Charity registered under FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act), eligible to receive donations online from abroad from NRIs, Foreign Nationals. Make a Donation to best Charity in India & help aged people for their monthly groceries through Milaap.
Daan Utsav 2020 Celebrations / Joy of Giving Week:
We are celebrating Daan Utsav 2020 in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh by feeding the hungry homeless people with nutritious food and sponsorship of food provisions from Oct 2 to Oct 8, 2020.
#GivingTuesdayIndia #DaanUtsav #JoyofGivingWeek #FeedtheHungry #HelpAged #IndiaCharity #DonationforElderly #SponsorOldAge #DonateFood #TaxExemptiononDonation #DonatePoor #DonateNGO #HelpSeniorCitizens #80Gdonation #Taxdeductionunder80G #FoodDonation #NGOinAndhraPradesh #BestCharityinIndia #HelpEldersbyDonating #AdoptaGranny #ElderlySponsorship #caronavirusoutbreak #CoronaCombatForce #secondwave #coronasecondwave #oxygendonation #milaapoxygendonation #donateforoxygen #oxygen #CoronavirusUpdate #CoronaVirusSupportInitiative #ngoindia #crowdfunding #Foodsponsorship #MigrantsOnTheRoad #crowdfunding #donatemilaap #milaapdotorg #Milaap #CharityforPoor #Donateonline #Charitydonation #FeedTheNeedy #DonateKaroNaIndia #CoronavirusOutbreakindia #IndiaFightsCorona #MilaapDonation #COVID19Pandemic #DonateforCaronarelief #CoronavirusPandemic #StayHome #StayAtHomeSavesLives #HelpPoor #SocialDistanacing #CoronaLockdown #Pandemic #donatemoney #donateforcharity #milap #COVID19 #pandemicdonation #onlinedonation #80gtaxexemption #onlinedonation