Help Ramesh Survive | Milaap
Help Ramesh Survive
  • NP

    Created by

    Natasha Pal
  • RY

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Ramesh Yadav

    from Mumbai, Maharashtra

The Urgency
Ramesh Yadav urgently requires undergoing 2 surgeries in order to live and have a chance at getting back to his family and his newborn daughter. These surgeries are to first remove part of his now-decayed jaw and then re-construct his jaw by taking a bone-graft from his leg.

Why the Surgery is important
If the surgery does not happen, he will not be able to survive very long as his jaw will eventually collapse.  Until then, he will pretty much be invalid surviving with a tube in his nose to help him eat and a tube in his throat to help him breathe.

Meet Ramesh
Ramesh has been my trusted driver for close to 5 years now. A hard-working and disciplined guy focused on building a life and family, he has no vices and had even given up chewing tobacco more than 10 years ago.  He came to Mumbai to try and build a better life for himself and his family.  Apart from sending money home on a monthly basis, he saved up for a few years and recently built a new house in his village for his family, which included his wife and old mother.

In late 2014, he brought his wife to Mumbai to help her try and continue her studies, as that was not possible in the village.  A few months of her being in Mumbai and their lives changed forever. 

Cancer fighter & survivor
He was diagnosed with Grade 4 mouth cancer in March 2015 only a few months after learning that he was going to become a first time father.  Given the size of the tumor and the complications around it, it was imperative to act fast.  The tumor at the base of his mouth was removed via a big surgery and subsequently he underwent 60 sessions of radiation. Ramesh has endured and successfully fought back against this dreaded disease.

The cost of all of this was taken care of completely from my own funds (close to Rs. 5 lakhs) and with the help of some contributions from my friends and well-wishers.  This is not counting the regular monthly salary and other expenses that I took care of during this entire time (even when he was not at work for about 6 months) and which I still continues to pay since he is once again unable to work due to new complications related to his illness.

Cancer = New complications
Today, while his cancer has been tackled, there is a new issue to deal with - Osteo Radio Necrosis for which he needs to undergo the 2 surgeries, which will remove and replace the necrotic bone in his jaw.

This will then have to be followed by dental reconstruction; voice exercises and much more to get his mouth back as close to normal functioning as is possible. Getting back to health post all of this will take him close to a year minimum. Post that if luck is on his side he might be able to breathe, eat, speak and use his mouth like a regular person.

Post Surgery
These new rounds of surgery are to help prevent that and try to help him lead a normal life.  In addition to this, he will need to do regular scans, MRI’s and other tests to keep a check on his cancer.

Ramesh hasn’t given up and wants a normal life; it matters to him to be a good husband and a loving father, who provides for his family. You can help him get there by providing him with the financial aid to make this happen.

How you can help Ramesh
Help us raise the funds to ensure that this round of treatment and his post operative care is can be managed properly.  He is all that his family has and we anticipate that there will be further rounds of treatment.  

You can donate via Cheque too. Enter the amount you wish to contribute and click on 'Donate Now' option. On the next page, choose 'Cheque' as a payment method and follow the steps.

Please find the letter from Hospital with details
Ramesh deserves a chance at life.  He is a good guy dealt a bad hand.  He is a caring husband and son and a devoted father to his lil daughter. 

Whatever amount you can contribute will go a long way in him getting a chance to see his little girl grow up, hence I urge you to help him

Thank you… 

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