Since she was just a few months old, Keerthana began showing symptoms of a failed liver. She had yellow eyes and a severely bloated stomach.
Despite being a year old, Keerthana still can't sit up on her own. She keeps crying all the time because she is pain. Her parents hold her and try to give her some comfort. But besides a liver transplant, nothing will make her better.
Upon being taken to the hospital it was found that Keerthana is diagnosed with Decompensated Liver Disease and would urgently need to undergo a liver transplant.
The total cost of the transplant is around 16 lakh Rs and in order for Keerthana to recover from her condition, she would need to undergo the treatment at the earliest.
Unfortunately, Keerthana's parents do not have the funds to pay for her treatment. Her father is worried that without this he would be unable to save his daughter. Keerthana's father is a small-farmer and his monthly income on an average is about Rs 8,000.
“Parents go through a lot to bring up a child in a lifetime. But the last one year had a lifetime of suffering for the both of us. Keerthana cries all the time. She is in so much pain and there is nothing we can do. My wife Sandhya, who stays with her all the time, has stopped eating and sleeping,” Shanthi explains.
To help Keerthana undergo the transplant please donate.