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    Created by

    Puneet Virendra Kumar
  • Pp

    This fundraiser will benefit

    PB portable

PB portables PORTABILITY REDEFINED PB portables delivers product which are a convenient way for buyers to keep their cell phones and other portables fully charged and functional at all times.
What we understand that There is nothing more frustrating than a low battery alert in the middle of a busy day. Most people need their cell phones to be functional at all times, as they are integral to communication with friends, family members, and colleagues, whether it is via talk or text. Owners of smart phones often become dependent on them for much more than communication, using them to browse the Web, check email, download media, edit documents, add information to their personal calendars, and much more.
Punit Kumar: Age-29 yrs, B-Com, Prime investor of PB, responsible for sales, marketing and execution. Experience in Project Management essential. Dealer in head phones & batteries. Prior experience Dell Computers technical support & customer service . Worked as business development manager with Astar electronics pvt Ltd.
Dhirendra Oza : Age 47 years, B-COM,LLB,10 years experience as a Colgate distributor (south Mumbai), & 7 years experience in Amul India ( Distributor to retail). Expert in wholesale & retail market. Best in Building relationship with outlets, meeting core target, motivation personnel & achieving goals.
Jeroosha Dsouza: Currently with Serco handling mortgage process of Barclays bank. Expertise in team building & marketing and strategic planning.
We have already received an order of around 200 pieces from 23 retail outlets. We will pioneer in power banks only slim category which will become the easy way for the consumer to carry along with them & will help them to stay connected
Incentives structure for pushing our products for retailers. Use of funds will also to keep a company promoter who would represent the company, built credibility of the company/product and will be responsible for sales by creating the need of Our Slim category power banks for city travelers.
Adding up 2 more range of products of 5000 Mah & 8000 Mah to improve credibility of our company, generating trust on retailers and competitive strength in the industry. Meeting the minimum order quantity will reduse the cost per piece
Need to replace the battery from domestic li polymer to ATL/ Samsung Li- polymer for better quality
Meeting capex & opex expenditure
Better visibility and advertising of our products will in deed create better requirement in turn more sales. By enforcing more manpower & other resources we can use our energy to capture the market gradually.
Increasing work force & other resources like ware house facility will definitely help in meeting our targets and providing best after sales service

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