Disabled, Old and Abandoned Animals Need Your Help | Milaap
Disabled, Old and Abandoned Animals Need Your Help
  • PAWS

    Created by

    PAWS Chennai
  • Pc

    This fundraiser will benefit

    PAWS chennai

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Everyday we see our beloved companion animals suffering…
Road Accident Cases, Abandoned by Owners, Living with Stress and Anxiety, Suffering with Skin Diseases, Starving and Barely Surviving

Prithvi Animal Welfare Society, based in Chennai, functions out of concern for the street  and abandoned animals and help them out of their pathetic conditions. 

Please watch the video below to know about us and some stunning visuals: 

We require funds for these. Please help us in whatever way you can.
Treatment of Injured Animals: ₹5,00,000 per year
Food for 250+ Street & Shelter Animals: ₹5,00,000 per year
Shelter Expansion and Upkeep: ₹5,00,000 this year
Clinic Completion & Equipment:  ₹25,00,000  

Limping dogs and cats with broken bones, gashes or open wounds are a common sight. We started taking these INJURED STREET ANIMALS for medical help and we could not leave them to their plight. Mange or fungal skin disease where the whole body becomes like a solid block is a painful condition and they suffer a lot.

We have helped over 250 animals by taking them to the veterinary doctor at the right time to get the proper treatment. It is so fulfilling to see these animals recover well and get back to being the happy beings they are.
Please help us settle their veterinary bills as this is our biggest expense.

We started FEEDING STREET ANIMALS during covid pandemic as their usual sources of food from restaurants, shops were closed. Feeding 250+ animals everyday takes a lot of preparation and planning as we make our own simple concoction. We have not missed a single day of street feeding in these 2.5 years. Street animals suffer from malnutrition and eagerly await our morning and evening feeds.
Please consider feeding these hungry mouths on the streets and our shelters for birthdays or special occasions.

This SHELTER is a haven for those old, sick, abandoned and permanently disabled animals. They have lived a hard life and its wonderful to watch them relax in this safe space. This shelter is one of its kind and has been built using eco friendly materials and the sand floor which is a boon for the injured animals. We have put a lot of thought and effort in making this space such as climbing spaces for cats as they like to perch in high areas, bath tubs for the dogs.

Please donate generously for the upkeep of this shelter and keep its residents happy and warm.

Animal reproduction is forced by nature, one female dog can give birth to 120 puppies in her lifetime. These puppies come into the world unwanted, live a horrible life or riddled with diseases, stoned and turned away, treated like vermin. There only humane long term solution to this is ANIMAL BIRTH CONTROL. By taking away their ability to reproduce, we are ensuring there are no new additions.

The primary aim is to set up an animal birth control center and clinic in this used container. We will equip it ambulance, transport vehicle, digital x-ray machine, blood analyser, autoclave, instruments for surgery, ultrasound scanner and required medicines.
We are looking for donors to please help us complete this hospital and kennels for post-operative care.

Every rupee, every cent counts and will be used for the animals. We request the society come together and help us help these wonderful creatures. 

For Indian donors: Donations to Prithvi Animal Welfare Society (Regd.) are exempted from Income Tax under 80-G of the Income Tax Act, 1961  
Founders: Mrs. Savitri Sarangi, Ms. Anupama, Mr. Sujit V, Mr. Srinivasan P
Contact us at: paws.org.in, instagram.com/pawschennaipi, pawschennai@gmail.com

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