I'm a long distance swimmer and I am taking my first step in channel swimming by swimming a small channel. I will be swimming from Elephanta Island to Gateway of India. The channel is approximately 12km wide and I will be covering the distance by swimming freestyle starting at 7:30 am IST on 22nd January. Though this event, I want to raise money for MakeLuvNotScars an NGO working to help acid attack victims.
Acid Attack is one of the most horrible crimes out there and women are the predominant victims. Most victims are disfigured permanently and even loose their eyesight after the attack. They are too traumatized to continue with their lives and it's hard for them to recover from such an experience. They rarely get justice due to faulty justice and it's hard for them to lead normal lives even after they heal because society won't accept them easily. We cannot change the past or grant them justice but we can do our bit to make them smile.
Team MakeLuvNotScars is working on a rehabilitation center to help the victims heal and move on with their lives. Let's do our bit to help them and make this world a better place. Please contribute to this campaign, any small amount will do :)
About Team MLNS:
Make Love Not Scars (MLNS) is a nongovernment organization dedicated to support acid attack victims regain their life on their own terms through recovery, rehabilitation, and reintegration.
About Me:
I'm Vikram ... a simple guy. I hack, swim, read and write. I like to build stuff and hope to be a scientist someday. I often help people and would love to be a philanthropist like my idol Sudha Murty someday. Previously, I worked with SoulFree to raise 1.5L for differently abled.