Make an Excellent Education a Reality for Every Child | Milaap
Make an Excellent Education a Reality for Every Child
  • MF

    Created by

    Madhi Foundation
  • MF

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Madhi Foundation

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Madhi Foundation

Madhi Foundation was established in 2016 as a non-profit organisation working in the education sector, committed to the cause of bridging the equity gap in education for children across India.
Madhi believes that an excellent education ought to equip children with the ability to think deeply and rationally, to ask questions and remain curious about the world around them, and emerge as creators and innovators of ideas, solutions and life paths of their choice.
Currently, we work with the Tamil Nadu government to design and implement large scale system capacity building programmes like teacher education, designing curriculum for government schools and improving monitoring mechanisms for school leaders.
People often wonder why an organisation requires financial support when working with the government - there is a tendency to believe that everyone working with the government should receive funding from the government. While there is some merit in that argument, Madhi's leadership believes that in order to retain our autonomy, it may be wise to not rely on government funding entirely. However, Madhi does receive some amount of government funding which is generally used to procure physical resources for the programmes and not towards meeting programme costs.

We are a team of diverse professionals who’ve come together because of a shared vision - “To make an excellent education a reality for every child.” Our combined efforts and the trust our partners place in us and on the work we do, helps us get a step closer to our vision. But with your support, Madhi can truly do justice to this vision and reach many more children and teachers across India.

Given that Madhi works on different projects, we have a diverse range of stakeholders to support.  The majority of our expenses arise from the training and support we extend to our 4000 teachers across the 3 districts - Chennai, Vellore and Cuddalore. The cost we incur per teacher is Rs. 4000.

Enlisted below is a summary of our on-going projects and programmes to give you a wider picture of how we plan to create enduring impact.

The Transformational Academic Programme (TAP) equips teachers with a comprehensive teacher toolkit that helps accelerate student learning outcomes. The toolkit consists of scripted lesson plans, videos, workbooks, charts, assessments, trackers, etc. that are aligned to the State-mandated syllabus.

The Literacy and Language Development Programme (LLDP) is a differentiated training programme based on a combination of teacher performance on MOOCs, classroom observations and other parameters on the teacher-skill rubric. Technology is purposefully integrated with traditional training modules to make training more targeted and personalised for teachers.

Tamil Nadu Textbook Revision - Since 2017, Madhi has been part of the core committee for the revision of textbooks and the syllabus for English in Tamil Nadu. Madhi has been  assisting the State Council for Research and Training (SCERT) in creating the textbooks, teacher handbooks and workbooks which will be used by all 37,000 primary government schools in the state.

Technical Assistance, TNTP - The Tamil Nadu Teacher Platform (TNTP) will be a single repository of all teacher resources like lesson plans, videos and assessments. Madhi has been working with the Tamil Nadu Department of School Education (TNDSE) to conceptualise the content that will be hosted on the portal.

Consultants, “Digitise Tamil Nadu Schools” - Teachers are required to fill nearly 71 academic and administrative registers regularly, which reduces classroom instruction time.  Madhi has been assisting the TNDSE to conceptualise mobile applications to make data entry and dissemination simpler for the  teachers and other administrative officials.

Technology for Governance - Madhi has assisted the TNDSE to conceptualise and develop a mobile-based application which will allow inspecting authorities like the district officials, the block officials and school leaders to capture classroom observation data and upload it in real-time. The parameters observed will guide the quality of lessons being delivered in the classroom.

Knowledge Partners, SSA NGO Partnerships - The SSA has invited a consortium of leading NGOs from across the country to implement their programmes in several districts across Tamil Nadu. Madhi will be assisting the SSA as a knowledge partner to coordinate the efforts of all the NGOs and report on the progress made by them periodically.

Help us facilitate a government school teacher's professional development with Rs. 4000 to make an excellent education a reality for every child. 

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