Rural Electrification Project at Senapattinam | Milaap
Rural Electrification Project at Senapattinam
  • A

    Created by

    Maya Surya Subramanian
  • MS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Maya Surya Subramanian

    from Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu

About Senapattinam:
Senapattinam is Village near Tandrampattu taluk near Thiruvannamalai. The village consists of 120 people and 25 Children. The main source of income of

About People life:
There is a lack of electricity in the Village. The houses are made of mud. The people suffer the lot due to the lack of electricity. The children are suffering. They could not study in the evening as there is no sufficient light. During the exam days, they couldn’t properly. Also, there is no light in the street. Many students are dropped out of the school due to this. Women in the area suffer a lot. They could not walk in the night time. As there is no electricity in the village life of people at night is pathetic.
They using kerosene lamp during night time some time it will cause disaster in there life. Many people are died due to the burning of there houses using lamp fire the hut!

#Lite the Light

(Fund Raiser)
Lite the light in the lives of the rural people.
The complete transformation of Rural people life’s in the terms of education, health, sanitation, electrification.
Achieving transformation in Rural Society by collaborating with the Volunteers.


Activity Date:
August 4,5 - 2018.
It's the implementation phase in that village. we are going to provide 15 solar street light lamp.

Estimated cost:
Cost of the street light lamp is 4000*15 = 60,000
Transportation cost is around = 10,000 (approx)
Total Cost = 70,000 (Approx)
Fund From NGO's = 50,000
Fund Needed = 20,000

The objective of Activity:
1) To provide light at night
2) To reduce school drop out due to improper lighting
3)To help children to spend their time studying and playing after sunset
4) To women's life comfort
5) To make increasing work span in a day!
6) To avoid burning of houses due to using of Kerosene lamp.

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