Krishna's Wedding fundraiser for Women | Milaap
Walk with us because we believe in the power of education. Hold our hand; guide us; work with us !
  • Krishna

    Created by

    Krishna Purohit
Over half of India’s population is below the age of 30. Sadly, only 10% of them have access to higher education. This huge disparity results in a large portion of our population being unemployable. Krishna Kumar Purohit is spearheading a project that aims at finding a way to provide education at the workplace and therefore bridging the gap that exists between job requirements and available skill sets. Krishna’s project provides holistic development to those adults who do not have a formal education. Using activity-based teaching, it aims at imparting the 3 C’s- Computers, Communication and Creativity to all employees. In essence, the project provides an education and a source of livelihood under the same roof. Currently, this model is being tested at the tailoring unit of ‘The Bombay Mothers and Children Welfare Society in Rajgurunagar, Pune. They say that if you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime. Support Krishna in his endeavor to provide the disadvantaged with the skill sets to fend for themselves and build a successful livelihood.

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