Jugaad (Innovation) Lab is an out of the box and inspiring initiative of Feminist Approach to Technology (FAT), which creates a much-needed space for girls from disadvantaged communities to kindle their interest in Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields. This space more popularly called ‘the lab’ for girls is a place which sparks their imagination and aids their intellectual growth and development; a place where they can tinker, build, break and rebuild stuff to learn through hands on work and experimentation, all the while also learning STEM concepts.
The lab was started as a pilot project in the beginning of 2015 in Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi with 8 participants and today we have a total of 20 participants from ages 10 yrs to 15 yrs, mobilized from government schools and low-income communities near Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi. The lab has regular two/three hour classes everyday in the afternoon where a study schedule is followed. New concepts of STEM are introduced, new projects are initiated and completed and after that, informal sessions on school work, issues at home etc are also discussed.
We now want to make the Lab a permanent space for young girls with regular classes and activities year after year.
The impact:
After ten months of attending the Jugaad Lab, there is a visible change in the girls. They now understand even advanced science and math concepts and love making new projects. Initially, the team had to push them to learn new things, now they come up with their own ideas to make things. They started with basic projects like photo frames and origami and now are building their own lamps, electric table fans, electric bells, DC motors, and many more. The Lab has become a place where they feel free to think, create, make, break and have fun as they learn. The girls enjoy the classes so much, they don't want to go back home.

Story: Dimag ki batti jalna!! Impact of STEM education at the center
When asked by the facilitator to narrate an incident on how they use what they learn at the lab, Sanjana narrated an incident where the TV was not working at her home and everyone thought it needed to be repaired by a mechanic. Sanjana checked the plug and saw that the wire connections inside it were loose. She re- connected the wires and the plug and TV started working again.
What is the ask
The team of FAT has developed a space called Jugaad Lab for Girls in Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. It is space that is built to hold classes of the lab. Now we need to raise funds to sustain and continue Jugaad Lab for Girls in Delhi and maintain the infrastructure of this safe space for girls.
So for two months this year (November and December) we are aiming to raise Rs. 10,00,000 (Ten lakhs) for the Juggad Lab.
You can make a difference by donating for the following:
Item | Amount | Remarks |
Stationary for classes | Rs.5000/- | A month’s supply of chart paper, card board, mount board, thermacol sheets, sketch pens, permanent markers, sticker papers, paint, paint brushes etc |
Raw material for making projects | Rs. 10000/- | A month’s supply of ply boards, plastic sheets, plastic boards, bottles, electric circuits, electrical wires, copper wire, duct tape, electrical tape, plug switches, bulb holders, electricity conductors etc |
Raw material for making a solar lamp for their community toilet | Rs. 15000/- | Solar panel, converters, LEDs, batteries, resistors, LED holders, wires, soldering machine, multimeter, switches etc |
Permanent safety gear for the Lab | Rs. 10000/- Rs. 20000/- Rs.10000/- Rs.30000/- | Protective gloves – 10 pairs, Protective eye glasses – 10 pairs Protective transparent face shields – 10 pairs Protective vests – 10 pairs |
Permanent tools for the Lab | Rs. 8000/- Rs. 8000/- Rs. 4000/- Rs.4800/- Rs.3000/- Rs.9000/- | Power saw – 2 Drilling machine – 2 Screw driver set – 10 Pipe wrenches – 4 Set of pliers – 3 Sheet sander - 3 |
3D Printer for the Lab | Rs.35,000/- | One 3D printer for doing printouts for final projects and exhibitions |