The world also has the 'other' 3 billion - those in need of food, shelter, security and the basic tools to lead a more productive life. This year I swim, bike and run for the other 3 billion.
Some of the problems faced by the 'other' 3 billion are hard problems for humanity to solve. They require the brains which are currently tied up providing the world 140 characters or a little larger phone screen. To attract the smartest brains to solve the world's toughest problem at scale requires resources and an eco-system.
I am fortunate to know such individuals and dedicate all my training efforts, every 4am wake up call to bike or 6am swims or weekend 100 mile rides to these individuals and the dreams they pursue.
I implore you to do 2 simple things.
a. Visit to witness the change - 150+ entrepreneurs nurtured, Almost 1 million people positively impacted and 4000+ jobs created. For every INR/USD invested in these entrepreneurs by UnLtd India, they have raised additional funding of INR/USD 14.5.
b. Donate : A little bit of your time to understand and raise awareness and a little bit of your hard earned cash can help scale an eco-system you can't imagine. We have no ice-buckets to upload on social media - but we are running, swimming and biking - and this is what we do have
i. Donation up to Rs. 1000 ($20) : A Thank you mention in the post-race blogs and a big hug from me whenever I see you next.
ii. Donation between Rs. 1001 - Rs. 2500 ($21-$39) : I will mention your name in every post-race blog, give you a big hug and write your name on my cover picture on facebook/twitter as a supporter for providing a more productive life to billions.
iii. Donations between of Rs. 2500 - 10,000 ($40-$150): I will mention your name, give you a big hug, acknowledge you as a supporter on my cover picture but also give you access to my entire training schedule and diet chart, help you with running, swimming or biking and a coffee date with me.
iv. Upwards of Rs. 10,000 ($150+) : All of the above and whatever else you may want.
Details of my events
a. Oct 12 : Hyderabad Triathlon - Olympic Distance : 1.5 km swim + 40 km bike ride + 10.5 km run. (last year I had finished 2nd and plan to do a better timing this year in a more competitive field)
b. Oct 19 : Bangalore Marathon - Half Marathon : 21.1 km run in the inaugural edition of the marathon. Running half as my training plan doesn't allow me to run full distance.
c. Nov 23: Delhi Half Marathon - Half Marathon : 21.1 km run - my 3rd start at the ADHM with previous finishes at 1:47 and 1:49 in years 2010 and 2012 respectively. This will be my 5th half marathon.
d. Dec XX (date undecided) - Half IronMan distance : 1.9 km swim + 90 km bike ride + 21.1 km run - I competed in Taiwan in official IronMan 70.3 with a timing of 5:53 and a top 40 finish in my age group.
e. Jan 18 - Mumbai Marathon - Full Marathon : 42.195 kms . This will be my 7th full marathon and the 5th at SCMM.
f. Feb XX ( date undecided) - Olympic Distance : 1.5 km swim + 40 km bike ride + 10.5 km run.
g. Mar 07 - IronMan NewZealand - Full IronMan : 3.8 km swim + 180 km bike ride + 42.2 km run. This is 2nd oldest Ironman in the world after Kona and my first attempt at this distance. My target time is between 12-13 hours.
About me:
I am Rish, Co-founder/CEO of Letsintern. My company is one the world’s largest student-organization platforms. I am a hard working adrenaline loving technology junkie. As a triathlete I love to be outdoors pushing my physical limits or I am busy expanding my mental horizon through travel, reading and writing. Follow me on Twitter : or Connect with me on Linkedin: