HULCHUL's online fundraiser for Children | Milaap
I am fundraising to we need your help to create a day where children Perform, Learn and Enjoy!
  • H2

    Created by

    HULCHUL 2015
  • H

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Delhi

Why am I fundraising?

We need funds to organize  "Hulchul", which is kids-based event where kids will learn skills of their interest, build a spirit of team work and competitiveness, and showcase their talents.

The following are the salient features of this event:

  • This is a one-day event with an expected participation of over 1000 kids from Teach For India classrooms as well as high-income private schools. Since Teach For India works with classrooms in low income private schools and MCD schools, this event is a “coming together” of children from varying social and economic backgrounds.
  • This event aims to provide these children a day packed with a wide range of competitions and fun-filled games and activities. It is a chance for children to interact with and learn from each other. We, at Teach For India, believe, that such exposure and access is an indispensable component of the excellent education we aim to provide our kids.

What do I plan to do with the funds?

  • Logistics for the entire event . Appx 150000 INR
  • Marketing. Appx: 50000 INR


Who are we?

We are a bunch of Teach For India Fellows.

Teach For India is a non-profit organisation that aims to eliminate inequity in education in India. It recruits the country’s most outstanding college graduates and young professionals, who as Fellows, commit two years to teach full-time in under resourced schools. They go on to become lifelong leaders, working from within various sectors towards the pursuit of equity in education.

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