Please help me bring my mom back. She’s suffered 85% burns.
I never thought a regular Saturday evening would change our lives forever.
On 29th April 2017, Saturday at 4 pm my mother suffered 85% burns at home. After being refused admission at a private hospital, we rushed her to Municipal Hospital in Kandivili, where after admittance they said her chances are minimum and there's not much that they could do besides administering painkillers and giving her fluids through an IV line.
On the timely advice from another doctor, we somehow managed to bring her in time from Kandivili to Airoli at The National Burns Centre in the night.
She's admitted in their ICBU (Intensive Care Burn Unit) currently. Her condition is very critical.
It's been 5 days now, and they are doing their best to treat her and bring her back.
I want to do the best I can for her, but given the expenses, it is becoming extremely difficult for me.
We are a family of four and I am the sole earning member. My father passed away in 1994. Me, my wife and brother live with my mother at Mira Road. I am currently using whatever funds we have. Relatives and friends have been more than helpful with their time and money.
But it is not enough.
The estimated cost of hospital treatment is around Rs. 7.8 Lakhs plus medical bills, pathology tests, blood and blood products and miscellaneous requirements. Currently Rs. 50,000 per day is required for all the above things.
The total cost of the treatment is expected to go up to Rs. 20 Lakhs or more.
My mother has given me everything and made me who I am. I don't want to fail her when she really needs my help right now. I will never be able to forgive myself if I do.
I request all of you to help me give my mother a fighting chance at life in whatever way you can. I shall forever be grateful for your generosity.
I'm attaching the particulars of the estimate and her hospital details below. Please feel free to call me or the hospital for more details.
Name: Kastur Karande
Age: 56 years
Burns: 85%
Treating doctor: Dr. S. M. Keswani.
ICBU Bed No. 5
The National Burns Centre, Airoli.