“We have borrowed money from everyone – our relatives and neighbours. I have sold what little gold I was wearing for his hospital admission. He has been sick for a month now and he needs treatment. The doctors even said they would take full responsibility in saving him as long as he underwent treatment. But we are the ones who have not been able to arrange for it.” – Vijaylakshmi, Yash’s mother
Yash’s cancer treatment is not going well because his parents are struggling to arrange for funds
Eleven-year-old Yash came down with a persistent fever in March. His parents took him to the clinic in the village but even after two weeks, his fever did not subside. They decided to take him to Agra city for treatment and after running multiple tests, they were told he had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). This is a blood cancer of white blood cells and it can become fatal quickly if not treated in time.“They told us to come to AIIMS, Delhi for treatment. There were so many patients there and we got a date for treatment weeks later. Yash’s condition was getting so bad, we decided to take him to Apollo. In 10 days, his fever has subsided and his blood count is better. The doctors have said we have to continue the procedure to save him – wherever we decide to do it.” – Vijaylakshmi
Yash’s parents have not told him he has cancer
Yash doesn’t understand why his parents start crying every time they ask someone for help. He tells his parents that whatever he had seems to be better and that they should just go home. He is pained that he is causing his parents so much grief and worry.“We have only told him there is a problem in his blood and he needs to be at the hospital. He gets upset when we start crying when we get worried about the money. He says he is fine and that we should just go home. How can we do that? We just keep telling him that it will be all right. But we don’t know how to make it so.” – Vijaylakshmi
Yash’s sister is afflicted by polio and is waiting for her parents and brother to come home
“I have only two children. Yash’s younger sister Tannu got polio as a child and her hands and legs don’t work. Why has God given both my children such painful illnesses? We have left her with her aunt, but she calls every day and cries that we come home with her brother. We tell her that her brother is sick, but how much can a child understand?” – Vijaylakshmi

Yash’s father Ved Prakash is the sole earning member in the family. He works in a glass factory and earns Rs 200 a day. In all the time that they have come to Delhi, Yash’s father has not been able to earn anything. They have borrowed from everyone they know and are staring at the prospect of stopping Yash’s treatment. They need funds urgently so Yash’s cancer can be treated in time to save him.