“For years my son has told me that he wants to enlist in the army when he grew up. But ever since he found out about his cancer, and that he would need long-term treatment to get better, he changed his mind. He wants to become a doctor now, so he can treat himself and others who may be suffering like him. It surprised me to hear him say that, and it took all my willpower to control my tears in that moment. I never want to break down in front of him, because I want him to be resilient while fighting cancer.” - Virendra, father

Doctors couldn't find the cause of the swelling under his ear
On 27 December last year, Virendra and Shakuntala’s 10-year-old son complained of a swelling on his neck, just under his right ear. It was bigger than the average mosquito bite, and tender to the touch. The following day, he was examined by a doctor and even got an ultrasound scan. But the reports came back normal, with no decisive conclusion. Suspecting it to be inflammation in his neck glands, the child was prescribed medication. However, instead of shrinking, the swelling only grew bigger.“We spent nearly 2 months on just diagnostic tests and running around in circles to find out what was causing this swelling. The doctors and surgeons we consulted just couldn’t detect the problem and the medicines had no effect on him. One said it was a pus-filled muscle mass, another said it seemed like it was caused by tuberculosis… We were getting nowhere and we were frustrated to no end. In between all this, the swelling grew into a sizeable lump and my son’s condition began to worsen suddenly…” - Virender

His health started declining, and eventually led to the discovery of his cancer
While they were still looking for answers, the young boy began to display severe symptoms, which left his parents alarmed. Pain that started in his back, eventually spread to his right hand and leg and then his sides.“At first, he would find some relief with massages, but slowly he grew dependent on medication and injections to ease the pain. The doctor said it was just a calcium deficiency. But a strong gut feeling told me it had to be something far more serious. Just when I was struggling to figure out a way forward, a friend, who worked at a hospital in Delhi, recommended I bring him there. Yet again several tests were performed and when the results came back, they all pointed towards the same thing - cancer.” - Virendra

Virendra’s son was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma, a form of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and rare cancer that spreads rapidly. It can be treated with intensive chemotherapy and has a favourable outlook in most cases. The young boy underwent a surgical procedure for the swollen lymph node in his neck. Unfortunately, his cancer has progressed to Stage 4 and at this point, it is imperative that his treatment continues without any interruptions. But, with the lack of funds at hand, Virendra is struggling to afford even a single chemotherapy session.

This father and son are facing the uncertainties head-on, but they need your help
Virendra and Shakuntala hail from Sultanpur, where their large family is engaged in farming to make a living. They are only able to earn when they have a good harvest a few times a year, their income being sufficient to support their children’s education and manage their daily needs. Over the past few years however, they have been experiencing a huge financial strain due to some unseen circumstances. Now, Virendra has no way to ensure his son can undergo treatment without a hitch.“The past 5 years have been very hard on us financially. First, my father developed heart disease and is still undergoing treatment. Then, in 2020, we found out my mother had stomach cancer. We made every effort to get her treated, but she passed away mid-treatment. On top of that, the pandemic took a huge toll on our livelihoods. Things were only just starting to look up for us, when my son was diagnosed with cancer. Now, I find myself in a difficult position yet again. With all that’s happened, there is no way I can afford his treatment.” - Virendra, father

Although they harbour some apprehension, Virendra and his son’s positive mindset has been giving them the strength to fight this cancer. But what they really need is your help to continue the child’s treatment. Click here to donate and help Virendra’s son beat cancer.