“I have seen so many kids coming to this hospital and recovering completely, with my own eyes. So why can't the same happen to my son? His only wish is to go to school and study. But with the relapse of his cancer, I am not able to fulfill his one simple wish. I feel like I am failing as a father." – Hemraj

They used up all their resources to save their son when he was first diagnosed with cancer, 4 years ago
For Hemraj and Deepa, it was a sudden blow to their lives when they discovered their son was suffering from cancer, almost 4 years ago. He was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow that affects white blood cells. Coming from a very humble background, they had to borrow loans from their relatives and also sold their land, to provide for their son's expensive treatment which cost them around a whopping INR 40 lakhs.“He had severe back ache that he was just not able to tolerate. We took him to the hospital. There, after checking his platelet count, followed by few tests, the doctor confirmed that my son had blood cancer. I was devastated. How could my child have such a deadly disease? I was shocked, just and couldn't beleive it. ” – Deepa, Mother

After 2 long years of struggle, they finally saw the ray of victory
Although it was a series of hardships, Hemraj and Deepa never bowed down before them. With all their strength, they fought hurdles everyday for 2 long years and finally they could breathe a sigh of relief when the doctor declared that their son was cancer-free and needed only routine check ups.“It was not easy for us. In addition to that, my son even caught a nasty infection during the early session of chemotherapy. We ran pillar to post to provide for all the requirements to save our little boy.” - Deepa, mother.

Their hopes were shattered again when their son’s cancer relapsed
With time,as Hemraj and Deepa’s son was showing signs of improvement, the family regained their happines and life resumed normally. But just as they were considering enrolling the child back in school to fulfill his only wish, his cancer relapsed.“Hearing him complaining of back aches the same way as before his diagnosis, my heart nearly stopped. All I felt was dread. Without wasting a single second, we took him to the hospital, praying constantly that our suspicions would be proved wrong. But few tests later, it was confirmed that my son’s cancer had relapsed.” – Hemraj, father

Now the only way to save him is with an immediate bone marrow transplant, which his parents have no way of affording
The relapse of the disease has made the child’s condition more fragile. Every alternative week, he has to be hospitalised for 10 days to undergo chemotherapy, which is already taking a huge toll on his mental health. Time is running out, and the doctors have told these parents that their child's transplant can't be delayed any more.
“This procedure, which is the only way to save our son costs 50 lakh rupees. How could I possibly arrange for this amount in such a short time?I already have sold major part of my land. Now my brother and I work on a very small portion of land and somehow provide for my old father, and our family. Even, my 6 year old daughter constantly asks for her elder brother and I never know what to say to her. I don't know how to save my son... Please, help me.” – Hemraj, with tears in his eyes.
Click here and donate to help these parents save their son.