Why Am I Fundraising?
This is an appeal to help my only son, Selvendran, continue his cancer treatment. He is 10 years old. It was just four months ago that he was diagnosed with blood cancer. With the support of our family , I have managed to pay for his medical expenses. We had to stop his education because of lack of funds.Selvendran should start his next phase of treatment in June. He had been undergoing treament in Apollo cancer hospital, Chennai. I have not been able to collect funds for June and are worried that this will delay his treatment.
I work for a printing services shop and earn Rs.3000 a month. With this income, I am not able to manage his treatment expenses. Since we could not afford to pay for rented house near the hospital, we have left him in the care of my relatives.
Need For Funds
We are seeking your support to pay for his next phase of treatment. Funds raised through this campaign will go towards his treatment in June.
Request your help us to continue my son's treament.
Supporting Document