Help this dancer who has lost both her kidneys to a terrible | Milaap
Help this dancer who has lost both her kidneys to a terrible disease
  • KK

    Created by

    K Kumar
  • KS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    K. Sangeetha

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

I am thankful to all for the continous co operation. As I had Kidney transplantation and for the last three years I have been maintaining my regular check ups and medicines for 3 years from 14th of  sep 2018 on my own but suddenly now it is detected that there is a lump on my left breast when I went to my gynaecologist for regular check up. I took a biopsy on both my breast , they have a suspicion on my left breast lump so doctor has advised me to remove the lump with an operation , I need to get admitted . As I have been diagonosed with osteoporosis I am unable to join a regular job , I am earning very little amount by online tutions , I do not have any basic medical policy, non of the company comes forward for a health policy. I would request all my ex donors to help me for this hospitilisation and biopsy expenses which might come around two and a half lacs . I also need your prayers, love and support to sail through this situation.

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