Bangalore Techie Can't Save His 7-Year-Old From Cancer On His | Milaap
Bangalore Techie Can't Save His 7-Year-Old From Cancer On His Own
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Puurav Santhosh

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

When they told us our little son’s cancer was gone... it was the happiest moment in our lives. After so much uncertainty, wondering every night if our son would be alive the next day, those words seemed like a blessing from God.  
But last month after a routine check-up, the doctor looked at the reports and we could tell something was wrong, that he was going to say the words we kept hearing in our nightmares!

“I’m sorry, but... your son's cancer has relapsed. It’s much worse than last time.” 

Puurav, Santosh, Rajni, and Aarav
Puurav was just 3.5 years old when Santosh and Rajni first started seeing the signs. His neck swelled up unnaturally, and he got a fever that wouldn’t let go. Over the course of a week, his appetite really diminished as well. When the worried parents took him to a doctor, they had thought maybe he had some kind of infection. After a normal blood test, they were asked to get a bone marrow test, and then they had to get a sample of Puurav’s bone itself. Soon, the reports came, and the diagnosis left the parents stunned: it declared that their little boy had Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia — cancer.

'It broke our hearts to see our son wither away in front of us' 

“Things moved quickly after that. We had to start him on chemotherapy immediately. It went on for months. He was in so much pain all the time, and he kept getting thinner and thinner. He also kept getting a lot of infections, which meant he had a fever nearly constantly. It broke our hearts to see our son wither away in front of us, when he looked up at us to ask when he’d be "a normal boy again"... We only had the hope that it was just getting worse before it got better.” — Santosh, father

Chemotherapy wasn't enough, he needs a bone marrow transplant

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow — the spongy tissue inside bones where blood cells are made. The word "acute" comes from the fact that the disease progresses rapidly. Without proper treatment, those affected by ALL are at great risk for severe bleeding from the nose and mouth, severe bone/body pain, frequent infections, and fever. ALL is the most common type of cancer in children, and treatments result in a good chance for a cure. In little Puurav’s case, however, it was too advanced for simple chemotherapy to fix. He needs a bone marrow transplant from his younger brother, to get cured completely.  

'I can't do this on my own, I can't save my son's life by myself'

"I work in a private company in Bangalore as a software engineer , and my modest salary is enough for me to take care of my wife and 2 children, to give them a decent middle-class life. When my son was first diagnosed, I was able to cover some of the expenses with insurance, and the rest with my savings and small loans from friends. But this time... he needs treatment that costs 32 lakhs! I’ve been trying my best to arrange money, asking everyone I know for more loans. But I’m starting to realize I can’t do this on my own. I can’t save my son’s life by myself. Please, please help us."

Click here to donate and get Puurav the bone marrow transplant he needs.

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