This Student With Bright Future Struggles To Survive In ICU | Milaap
This Student With Bright Future Struggles To Survive In ICU
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Gokul Nadhan

    from Chennai, Tamil Nadu

“Next week is his final examination. My son was the first in our family to even finish school and go to college. Gokul was supposed to get his MBA degree and was planning to start a job in Canada. He was ambitious and wanted to give a better life to his parents. But now…he doesn’t remember even my face. It’s been 6 days…he hasn’t opened his eyes or called me Amma” – Karpagam, Mother

24-year-old Gokulnathan’s illness started with persistent fever and vomiting last month. Since he was busy with his project and viva he refused to visit a doctor. Within two days his condition got severe when his stomach started to bloat. In a few hours his condition worsened. Natarajan panicked and took his son to a hospital immediately.

“Doctors couldn’t find what was causing the illness. They told there is a lot of fluid in his stomach and there are chances that his liver is damaged. But the tests showed his liver is fine. They didn’t know what to treat him for. Time was running and my child became totally unconscious. Scared of losing him we took him to another hospital overnight” - Natarajan, Father

The infection has spread to his brain, my son looks lifeless

Numerous tests were done and he was diagnosed with Disseminated Tuberculosis. It is a condition where the tuberculosis is severe and has spread to other organs. His blood cell counts are dangerously low making him easily prone to infection. For Gokul, the infection has spread to his kidney and brain making his condition highly critical and life-threatening.

“They told my son has TB. He is now on dialysis. His eyes are partially opened and I don’t know if he can even hear our voices. My son looks lifeless. He is fed through tubes, hooked to machines…how did this all happen? My Gokul was a hardworking boy. All he wished for was to study, get a stable job and look after us. Now his life is hanging by a thread and I’m running out of time and money to save his life” - Father

Gokul can survive only if he stays in ICU for one more month

Gokulnathan’s conditions will improve only if he gets continuous treatment and medications for the next four weeks. While he’s showing progress each day the cost of his treatment is burdening Natarajan, who has already spent 25 lakhs in the past one month. He still needs to pay 15 lakhs more and is struggling to afford it.

"I run a small tea shop with my wife. The income isn’t much but we managed to live a simple life. In the past month I pooled all our savings and begged everyone I know to save our son’s life. One injection for his bone marrow costs Rs. 20,000 which is to be repeated till he recovers. Other than that we have to pay for dialysis, his medicines, ICU charges…I spent everything and I don’t have anything left now. If the treatment is stopped, I won’t be able to see my only son alive again. I need your help. Please save my Gokul” - Father

They will lose their only son to tuberculosis without your help. Please contribute selflessly and save Gokulnathan’s life.

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