This Mother of a Newborn Struggles to Battle her Husband’s | Milaap
This Mother of a Newborn Struggles to Battle her Husband’s Cancer
  • HCG

    Created by

    HCG Foundation
  • GD

    This fundraiser will benefit

    George Dixon

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by HCG Foundation

George’s family was excited to welcome his newborn baby to the family. Just a day before George’s wife delivered their child, he was taken to hospital for the unbearable back pain. They thought he would be given some medicines for the pain but the scan revealed something more serious. He was diagnosed with cancer.

It wasn’t a muscle cramp as they believed it to be, he was diagnosed with cancer
George is 29 years old and stays with his family in Bangalore. He was complaining about back pain every now and then but no one took it seriously including him until he collapsed on the floor. He was rushed to the hospital. They thought that he had a severe muscle cramp but the very first scan revealed that he had cancer. He went through 3 cycles of chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant.

“I was waiting to hold my baby in my hands but now I’m not even allowed to see her”

Nothing could prepare a wife with a newborn baby to hear those words
George was totally heartbroken when his thoughts rushed to his wife and the newborn baby. But having no option left, his wife gathered all the strength and started working in a church for a very meager salary to feed her baby.

“He had hardly spent any time with his baby. Before the stem cell transplant, he came home every weekend but now he is in the hospital all the time. He listens to his baby cooing over the phone and that’s the only connection he has with her now”

65-year-old father struggles to come to terms with the reality
George’s father is a 65-year-old man working as a Security Guard. He gave up his job to be with his son throughout the treatment. No one else, even George’s wife and mother are allowed inside the room for the fear of infection. He is staying along with George ever since he was hospitalized from Jan 15th, 2017.

How You Can Help
George has already exhausted the insurance amount of 10 lakh rupees. His father borrowed 4 lakh rupees from his friends and family to pay for the stem cell transplant surgery. Father who was earning 14000 rupees a month has also given up his job. With her infant in hand, his wife is now working hard at the church for whatever money she can gather. They have absolutely no income to continue the treatment.

Your contribution can help George to recover and live with his family.

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