Urgent Surgery Can Help This Boy Walk For The First Time In | Milaap
Urgent Surgery Can Help This Boy Walk For The First Time In 10 Years
  • Sowmya

    Created by

    Sowmya Chabala
  • D

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Siliguri, West Bengal

“Your son will never walk again.”

That was 10 years ago. It broke our hearts when we heard the doctor say that. Dipen had been sitting on my lap, and kept asking me why I was crying. Eventually, he wiped my face and told me not to worry, saying everything would be okay. That’s the kind of my boy Dipen is. I decided that day that I would be brave for him no matter what, and help him over every hurdle.
But today, he’s suffering more than ever, in pain all the time. And I have no way to help him.

When little Dipen was born, he seemed like a healthy enough boy. But as he grew, Binita and Dilip knew something wasn’t right with their son. Dipen could barely move, he was so weak all the time. While other babies his age started walking soon after turning a year old, Dipen was nearly 2 years old before he could support his own weight. His parents thought he just needed love and patience, but by the time he was 5, he stopped walking entirely. That’s when they took him to a specialist and realized he would never walk.

He was such a positive boy despite his struggles, until 2 months ago

“His whole life after that diagnosis has been full of struggle. There were and are many things our son hasn’t been able to do by himself like other kids. Whenever he needs the bathroom, Dilip has to carry him inside and help him. When going to school, Dilip had to carry him all the way inside to the classroom, and bring him back the same way, every day. He has had to endure so much mocking from other kids who made fun of him for the way he looks, but he always took it so bravely, telling us not to listen to them. This is why, even though raising him has been a struggle for us as well, we didn’t care. We would do anything for our brave and beautiful boy. But now his condition is getting so bad...” – Binita, mother

Surgery can not only remove his pain, but help him walk again

While Dipen has endured on and off pain all his life because of his condition, two months ago the pain started becoming more frequent and more long-lasting. Soon, it became a 24x7 companion to this tortured young man, stealing every ounce of peace from him, from the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep. As if that wasn’t enough, his arms have started to lose function as well. If this keeps going, soon brave Dipen will be paralyzed completely, trapped in his prison of pain forever. He needs an urgent surgery, that will not only alleviate the pain, but can also help him walk for the first time in 10 years!

Binita and Dilip can never afford the cost of this treatment

“Taking care of Dipen is a full-time job. Before I used to be able to help, but soon he got too big for me to carry by myself. So when his medical bills started getting too high, Dilip stayed back to take care of him, and I moved to Bangalore by myself a few years ago so I could find work. I’ve been working as a domestic help, earning around 15k a month, of which I kept 5k for my rent and food, and sent the rest back home. Now Dilip has brought Dipen here to Bangalore for the treatment. He needs a 7.5 lakh surgery, and after-care will cost another 4 lakhs! How will we afford this?!” – Binita
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