That moment when I saw those test results keeps playing on a loop in my mind. My hands trembling as I unfolded the paper, I discovered that my baby—still in my womb, just six months along—had HLH. The same cruel disease that had taken my daughter away. My mind screamed for a way out, but it was too late. Too late to undo fate. Too late to change what was already written.
I had already lost one child to this illness, and now, the next one was trapped in the same nightmare. I was trapped in it too. And if we don’t find help in time, I will be forced to watch my baby slip away, just like before.

I carried my daughter for nine months, cradled her in my arms for seven, and then watched helplessly as she left this world. I had no money, no way to fight for her, no way to save her. By the time we learned what was wrong, her tiny body was already failing. Her liver shutting down, her kidneys giving up. HLH (hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis) destroys from the inside, and I could do nothing but watch. The day she died, something inside me died too. For two years, I couldn’t think, couldn’t function. My world became a blur of pain, guilt, and endless questions with no answers.

This time, I know what’s coming
And then, after all that suffering, when I thought I had found the courage to try again, the nightmare returned. This time, I know exactly what this disease will do to my child. And this time, the doctors are telling me there is a way to stop it: a bone marrow transplant. But that kind of hope comes at a price, a price we cannot pay.

The doctors say we have only three weeks
Three weeks to gather the money needed for the transplant, before it’s too late. My husband is the donor, but what use is a cure if we cannot afford it? We have already sold our land, spent every rupee we had. My husband works as a daily laborer, far from home, trying to earn whatever little he can, but it is not enough. We have spent the last few months running from one hospital to another begging for help. We barely eat, we barely sleep. Every moment, I fear the worst.

If I lose this baby, I will never be a mother again
This is our last chance. This disease runs in our family, and if we have another child, they will have HLH too. This is the only child I have left to fight for, the only chance I have to hold onto my dreams of being a mother. If we can save my baby, we can have a future. If not... I don’t think I can survive that pain again. I am begging for help. If you could spare even a small amount, if you could help us in any way, you would be saving my child’s life. Please, help us. Please, help my baby live.
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