Clean Delhi, Green Delhi | Milaap
Clean Delhi, Green Delhi
  • Chirag

    Created by

    Chirag Talwar
  • MF

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Masumiyat Foundation

    from Delhi.

Mission: Clean and Green is our perfect Dream.
For years on end, we have been hearing this slogan which says- Clean Delhi, Green Delhi. Why do you think this carries so much significance in the life of a citizen? Here are a few reasons why it is important to keep our capital city clean and green.
  • Due to increasing pollution levels in our city, it is important we lay emphasis on making it green so as to, compensate for the loss that has happened to the environment.
  • Since it is our capital city, New Delhi should represent the culture of our nation which is best reflected it if it’s cleans and green.
  • A greener city will ensure that its citizens are breathing clean air which is not polluted with disease-causing allergens.
  • Due to the worsening climate change which is happening all around the world, it is only good if we start to make a change towards it by keeping our own city clean and green.
Who are we?
Masumiyat® is a growing NGO, began as an endeavour of 4 college mates. It is the brainchild of the youths, all coming from decent families who are a firm believer that giving is a way of life and are committed to serve the society.

What we plan to do?
1. Every volunteer will plant on weekly basis in areas with less greenery (green Sunday).
2. Organize clean up campaign on weekly basis with our volunteers to clean delhi and spread awareness regarding same.
3. Gift a plant- a plant will be gifted to every known associate on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries etc, asking them to help our cause.

Only by giving, you are able to receive than you already have. So help us paint our city in green.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
—Margaret Mead


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