Suresh's Running fundraiser for Education | Milaap
This is a supporting campaign. Contributions made to this campaign will go towards the main campaign.
I am running a marathon to transform lives of Bangalore’s slum children through top-class education
  • SM

    Created by

    Suresh MK
  • PH

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Parikrma Humanity Foundation

    from Bangalore

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Parikrma Humanity Foundation

Parikrma runs 4 schools where the future of 1600 children are transformed. Children coming from severely disadvantaged homes where alcoholism, violence and poverty are the daily reality, find a safe haven of learning, love and encouragement, in Parikrma. 

How you can help

You can sponsor the the Pluto (grade X) class at Parikrma’s Jayanagar school such that their education, Nutrition, Healthcare and Family care costs are taken care of for 1 year. You can also visit our school and spend time with these children so that they get the benefit of your learning and experience. 

The Impact

Facilitate real change, ensuring that under-served children are provided with everything they need to break the circle of deprivation and become contributing members of the society.

If you want to know more about Parikrma, you can watch the video below: 

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